Allen Chan is an IBM Distinguished Engineer and CTO for Business Automation. He is a creator and builder and has a long history of creating winning concepts and building winning products. He is passionate about empowering everyone to get their work done easier and faster with business automations technologies (workflow, decisions, content management, document processing, rpa and process mining) - whether it is about making enterprises run more efficient or improving productivity with digital employees in IBM Watson Orchestrate. He is the CTO for IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation including capabilities such as Business Process Management and Case Management, Decisions, Content Management, Application Designer, Robotic Process Automation and others (see Prior to that role, he had held various technical leadership roles in IBM BPM such as the Chief Architect for Workflow (IBM BPM & Case Manager) and Blueworks Live. In addition, he was the IBM BPM SWAT Technical Lead where he led a team of experts to help ensure customer success in key IBM BPM deployment and rollout scenarios. He is the holder of 15 patents in Canada, United States and China, and authors of multiple academics papers, books, and articles around business processes, automation and applied AI in automation.

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Allen Chan

Allen Chan

Book Author

Allen Chan is an IBM Distinguished Engineer and CTO for Business Automation, building products to get work done better and faster with Automation and AI.